the architecture in Ottawa is nice.

I don't know what made me so incredulous.

Laura and me looking white waiting for Patrick to leave the bank, where he got ripped off for his cheap American money.

more architecture

confusing crackers.

Laura: "Should we put the pictures of those crackers on the website?

Patrick eating Poutine

for the uncultured among us, poutine is french fries, cheese curds, and gravy.

Excited about being together every day.

Patrick doesn't believe that Laura is too good for poutine.

I have five different kinds of pencils loitering in my car. Diversity.

On Thursday, Laura and I went to the National Gallery here in Ottawa, and saw some nice things, enjoyed the pubic restrooms, then stumbled upon this gem.
Mostly creepy, with a chance of homicide.

Beaver Tails are like a flat funnel cake--like a deep fried pancake covered in sugar and cinnamon, and can be topped with apples and whatever else your heart desires. Recommended, but at $3.50, they are as expensive as carnival food!

Being a man in front of Parliament, a real nice building.

See those signs on the bottom right? They read some classic favorites, from "Abortion is murder" to "The only gay marriage is between a man and a woman." SEE? Even Canada has this shit. But Parliament shimmers with its majesty in the distance.

Look, I told you I'm an artist.

some building or some shit.

Canada has awesome cup lids.

I drink green tea every day. Makes me intellectual and/or cosmopolitan.

Patrick has other friends!
(this one is named Brett, he's a nice kid from Australia/Canada)

Laura and I made stamps of our hands so she could read our palms on the road. Mistake, in that they didn't wash off for a couple days.
Laura just dropped a box of beers and broke 2 of em all up. or as she referred to it, "acciDENT!" That is all,