Here's a recap of our last day in Seattle:
Both of us are feeling these two emotions about leaving Seattle sooner than planned.
We got our hosts some beer before we left. But locked ourselves out, so we got a foam cooler to keep it from getting skunked.
Summary: Thanks for letting us use your couch.
"Let's GO!"
David's house in the background
Eating burgers and onion rings at the Red Mill, which was quite an experience. They're famous for their rings, and the burgers were tasty too.
Laura and Derek, holding a decent cross-section of the available options at Red Mill. Notice: Derek's ring is intact again.
ahha! Got my old blogger account reactivated. Where the heck are the witty captions for these pictures, come on Ben, you're letting me down man!
Actually the pictures are more fun when you have to decipher what the freak is going on.
I like how they posted the captions after my comment, now I just look like an ass!
also... you didn't tell them HOW the ring got back together... ahhh divine intervention...
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