Mammoth Hot Springs. Real cold, still.
We did this on the way out of Yellow Stone, on the way to Glacier.
The drive up to Glacier was pretty uneventful. We tried to stop in Missoula, MT, but there was some weird conference in town and there were no rooms! So we went on to Polson, MT, where we stayed in a motel on Flathead Lake. Waking up to that was nice.
There was a big "M" in the mountain. You could probably see it if this weren't blurry.
The Eastern gateway into the park.
Here, BIG MOUNTAINS by a lake. Made me a man. So excited, I was thrown into a gleeful jumping fit.
Two Medicine. I highly recommend it.
There were effin cows in the road. As the ranger who pulled me over told me, they are dangerous.
My mom likes to talk to cows.
Anyone else out there crazy?
At first, I couldn't remember this picture. Then I saw myself peeing on the side of the road.
Laura inside a tree.
When we got to the end of the trail at Glacier (terminating at Avalanche Lake), we met these two hiking ladies from Sacramento who have been hiking buddies for over twenty years. They took these pictures of us, and it went like this:
"Oh, you want to take a picture of your backs? That's cute!"
"Now turn around!"
What they actually meant was for us to turn around on the bench and have our legs toward them....However, we opted for the "Glamour Shots" route, not even considering what normal people would do.
We didn't even realize what they were talking about until way later, even after we took pictures of them sitting like normal people.
Big Mountains and Lake.
Dense forest.
Me taking a video of the waters!
Glacier N.P. is highly recommendable.
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